Pão de mel I


1 copo de chá de cravo e canela

1 copo de mel

1 chícara de leite morno com 1 colher de bicarbonato de (sopa rasa)

2 chícaras de açúcar

6 chícaras de farinha de trigo

Modo de fazer

Depois de assado faz um glacê de açúcar e limão e leva ao forno outra vez.

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2 comentários:

CrystalsCozyKitchen disse...

I was excited to find your blog (stopping by from the foodie blogroll - welcome), although I'll have to have my husband translate these recipes (he lived in Brasil for a few years and loves the food so I try to make it for him.)

adriana nikolatos disse...

Hello CrystalsCozyKitchen,
Thank you for your visit, I took a look at your blog too, that is very good! I am already following it.
I have another blog in Portuguese with brazilian and greek recipes: http://livrodereceitasculinarias.blogspot.com/
that is more detailed than this one.

The current blog is a copy of an old notebook written for my mother (my treasure!), sometimes the recipes have not many details, but I think this is its beauty :-)

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